Fighting Fantasy featured in Mass Movement Magazine

Labels: Fighting Fantasy, Mass Movement, Reviews, Stormslayer
The online presence of writer Jonathan Green
Labels: Fighting Fantasy, Mass Movement, Reviews, Stormslayer
Labels: Fighting Fantasy, Night of the Necromancer, Wizard Books
Labels: News, Pax Britannia, Ulysses Quicksilver
Labels: Dan Abnett, David Bishop, Nick Kyme, Simon Spurrier, Writers, Writing
Labels: Curse of the Mummy, Fighting Fantasy, Gamebooks, Howl of the Werewolf, Night of the Necromancer, Stormslayer
Labels: Crisis on Coruscant, Gamebooks, Reviews, Star Wars
Labels: Fighting Fantasy, Night of the Necromancer
If, as parents, you sometimes find yourselves climbing the collective walls of turmoil in search of something to entertain and calm the kids – especially during those elongated weekends that are filled with rain, tedium and nothing particularly groovy on telly – then this could well be the perfect book for you.
Match Wit with the Kids is, as it says on the front cover: ‘’a little learning for all the family.’’ Indeed, it’s one of those books that immediately grabs the attention of even the most innocent and innocuous by bystanders. It’s akin to a pub quiz, only more geared towards that which we all learnt at school...
Jonathan Green has compiled a more than compelling and magnetic wealth of interesting facts, figures and knowledge.
As such, Match Wits with the Kids is a book that’s as engaging as it is fun as it is imperative throughout those aforementioned weekends and really long, giddy car journeys.
Labels: Icon Books, Match Wits, Reviews
Labels: Alex Milway, Badges, Mythicla 9th Division, Operation Robot Storm, Terror of the Deep, Yetis
Labels: Doctor Who, TV
Labels: Bloodbones, Fighting Fantasy, Night of the Necromancer, Wizard Books
Labels: Fighting Fantasy, Howl of the Werewolf
Little is known of the early life of St Patrick, although it is known that he was born in Roman Britain in the fifth century, into a wealthy Romano-British family. His father was a deacon in the Church, like his father before him, but at the age of sixteen, Patrick was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken to Ireland as a slave. It is believed he was held somewhere on the west coast of Ireland, possibly Mayo, but the exact location is unknown. He was told by God in a dream to flee from captivity and escape to the coast, where a ship would return him to Britain. Upon returning, he quickly joined the Church and studied to be a priest.
In 432, now a bishop, he found himself called back to Ireland, to save the native populace. He was successful in this task, focusing on converting royalty and aristocracy as well as the poor. Irish folklore tells that one of his teaching methods included using the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) to the Irish people.
After nearly thirty years of teaching and spreading God's word, Patrick died on 17 March 461. He was buried at Downpatrick, or so tradition says. Although there were other more successful missions to Ireland from Rome, Patrick endured as the principal champion of Irish Christianity and is held in esteem in the Irish Church.
Legend has it that Patrick banished all the snakes fro
m Ireland. When people first discov
ered the fossils of ammonites, they took them to be the snakes, curled up and turned to stone. The truth is that post-glacial Ireland probably never had any snakes in the first place. However, the legend may have come about that because of Patrick's missionary work, when, in professing the Christian faith he came up against the local Druids with their serpent symbolism.
The colour originally associated with Saint Patrick was blue. However, over the years the colour green and its association with Saint Patrick's day has grown. Green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick's Day as early as the 17th century. During the 1798 Irish Rebellion, wanting to make a political statement, Irish soldiers wore full green uniform
s on 17 March in hopes of attracting attention with their unusual fashion gimmick. The phrase 'the wearing of the green', refers to the wearing of a shamrock on one's clothing and derives from the song of the same name.
Labels: Guinness, Ireland, Saint Patrick
Labels: Abaddon Books, Steampunk, Ulysses Quicksilver
Labels: Artists, Fighting Fantasy, Howl of the Werewolf
Labels: Fighting Fantasy, Night of the Necromancer
Labels: News, Star Wars, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Labels: Facebook, Fighting Fantasy, Martin McKenna, Night of the Necromancer, Video