Fighting Fantasy Fest 2014 - Goodies galore!

How about a limited edition metal miniature of Zagor, the Warlock of Firetop Mountain himself? How about a Pax Britannia novel by Yours Truly? And how about a Fighting Fantasy gamebook? Not only that, but if you're one of the first 100 people to buy a ticket for FIGHTING FANTASY FEST that gamebook will be none other than the much sought after, limited edition hardback of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, including a solution and map, and a host of other fascinating snippets of information.
And as if that wasn't enough to tempt you, everyone who buys a ticket for FIGHTING FANTASY FEST will be entered into a draw to win the chance to have their name appear in a forthcoming Fighting Fantasy app from Tin Man Games.
Aside from the Adventurer's Backpack, and the money-can't-buy prize on offer, we also have all of the following planned for Sunday 7 September 2014:
- Arion Games will be running sessions of the Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG
- Tin Man Games and Inkle Studios will be talking about their app adaptations of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks and Steve Jackson's Sorcery! epic
- Trade stands
- Book signings
- Panels and talks
- An exhibition of rare Fighting Fantasy memorabilia
- A Fighting Fantasy auction

If you think this sounds like something you would like to be involved in, don't delay - click this link and purchase your ticket today!

Labels: Artists, Fighting Fantasy, Fighting Fantasy Fest, Gamebook Friday, Gamebooks, Ian Livingstone, News, Steve Jackson, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, YOU ARE THE HERO
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