Whitby Gothic Weekend

Labels: Dracula, Human Nature, Pax Britannia, Whitby
The online presence of writer Jonathan Green
Labels: Dracula, Human Nature, Pax Britannia, Whitby
Labels: Ghost Watch, TV
Labels: Abaddon Books, Jonathan Oliver, Pax Britannia
In there you've got Tomes of the Dead: Anno Mortis by Rebecca Levene, Bitterwood by James Maxey, Horus Heresy: Fulgrim by Graham McNeill, The Witches and the Grinnygog by Dorothy Edwards, The Death Ship of Dartmouth by Michael Jecks, The Mythago Cycle (books 1 & 2) by Robert Holdstock, The Killing Ground by Graham McNeill, Nation by Terry Pratchett and Azincourt by Bernard Cornwell.
My current distraction is Titanicus by Dan Abnett, a tale of mighty war engines battling over the fate of a forge world in the far-flung future war-consumed universe of Warhammer 40,000.
Any suggestions from the books listed above as to what I should read next?
Labels: Abaddon Books, Warhammer 40K, Writers
Labels: Dawn of War, Games Day, Games Workshop, Tyranids, Video, Warhammer 40K
Labels: Age of Reckoning, Magestorm, Warhammer, Warhammer Online
Labels: Minicards, Moo, Publicity, What is Myrrh Anyway?
Labels: Black Library, Dan Abnett, Giveaway, Graham McNeill, Warhammer 40K, Writers
Labels: Batman, Behind the Scenes, Dracula, Fighting Fantasy, Howl of the Werewolf, Man-Bat, Vampires, Werewolves
Labels: Minicards, Moo, Publicity, What is Myrrh Anyway?
Labels: Black Library, Doctor Who, Fighting Fantasy, Go Go Crazy For Those Bones, Jonathan Green, Match Wits, Pax Britannia, Sonic the Hedgehog, What is Myrrh Anyway?
Labels: Abaddon Books, Artists, Evolution Expects, Human Nature, Mark Harrison, Pax Britannia
Labels: Abaddon Books, Batman, Human Nature, Pax Britannia, Writing
Labels: Icon Books, Waterstone's, What is Myrrh Anyway?
Labels: Behind the Scenes, Doctor Who, Howl of the Werewolf
Labels: Doctor Who, Lego
Labels: Christmas, What is Myrrh Anyway?
Labels: Blogs, David Bishop, Ladybird Books