Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Some Words of Wisdom for a Wednesday Night

I have recently set to work on a new project and, as is often the way with me, this precipitated a clearing of my desk of all the material used on the last book. I came across two quotes which I have kept because they resonate with me. Both are attributed to the Chinese thinker and social philosopher Confucius (551-479 BC) and I'd like to share them with you here.

"In all things, success depends upon previous preparation without which there is sure to be failure."

"To learn and, from time to time, to apply what one has learned, isn't that a pleasure?"

Readers of earlier posts will know that as well as being writer I am also a teacher, so there's one quote for each of those two aspects of my personality. And in posting this now, I am reminded of just how much the second quote, in particular, is so pertinent to me.

Class dismissed.


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