So, as far as Kickstarters go, that's
one successfully funded and
one failed project.

After the resounding success that was the
YOU ARE THE HERO Kickstarter I had great hopes for
Clemency Slaughter and the Legacy of D'Eath, partly because it was a collaboration (so should reach a wider audience), partly because I thought various communities on Facebook would get behind it (which they didn't), and partly because we were asking for less money than I had with
YOU ARE THE HERO. However, it was not to be.

The publisher Ian Whates and myself have already discussed running the Kickstarter again, in a couple of months time (possibly to coincide with the
Nine Worlds Geek Fest), and the artist Tom Brown has said he hopes to work on some more of the artwork for the project between commissions.
Some fans of the project have suggested Unbound as a possible funding source but that's not something we've had a chance to discuss yet. And we did end up with 90 backers, many of whom were very passionate about the project.
Thank you, if you were one of them, and hang on in there - Clemency Slaughter's not dead and buried yet...
Labels: Clemency Slaughter, Clemency Slaughter and the Legacy of D'Eath, Ian Whates, Kickstarter, Nine Worlds, Tom Brown, YOU ARE THE HERO
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