The news has gone public at last. Today
Abaddon Books announced its plans for
Pax Britannia: Time's Arrow - the eighth Ulysses Quicksilver adventure - written by Yours Truly. And the buzz is already building.
Of course I've known about this for a while, but then it was my idea. And it seemed like such a good idea at the time...
But in all seriousness, I'm very excited about
this project and can't wait to see how people react to the concept and what they make of Part 1 of Ulysses' French vacation. And as far as I'm aware, this is something of a first in the world of publishing, and one that makes the most of the e-reader revolution.
Just make sure you're along for the ride. It's going to be amazing!
Labels: Abaddon Books, eBooks, News, Pax Britannia, Steampunk, Time's Arrow, Ulysses Quicksilver
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