Monday, November 30, 2009

Robert Holdstock

I was very sorry to hear the news of Robert Holdstock's passing, as are many of my fellow fantasy writers and fans of great literature all around the world.

Mythago Wood is one of the best fantasy novels I have read. Ever.

He will be sadly missed.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Pacman pie chart


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Muppets sing Bohemian Rhapsody

I the week that Brian May unveiled a star in memory of Freddie Mercury in the middle of Feltham, the magic of YouTube brings you this...

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2001: A Who Odyssey

This is utterly amazing. The opening shot along did it for me!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Evolution Expects reviewed

Came across this review of Evolution Expects the other day.

"Awesome." (4 out of 5 stars)

Nice and succinct, I think you'll agree.

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Bloodbones - the movie!

Seeing as how Bloodbones (my fourth Fighting Fantasy adventure) is being re-released next year, I thought I'd get you all in the mood for a slice of swashbuckling voodoo with this...

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ultramarines - the movie!

In case you hadn't heard, there's going to be a Warhammer 40K movie... and Dan Abnett's written the screenplay!

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Crisis on Coruscant is coming

28 January 2010.

You can pre-order your copy here.

And while we're on the subject of all things Star Wars...

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Abaddon Books gets a facelift

Exciting news! The Abaddon Books* website has had a make-over - and very cool it looks too. To check it out for yourself, along with news of Abaddon's first ever competition, click here.

* Publishers of the Pax Britannia series.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Night of the Necromancer competition

Just a quick reminder that the guys at Wizard Books are offering one lucky reader the chance to be immortalised in the new Fighting Fantasy gamebook Night of the Necromancer (to be published in April 2010).

To find out more about the competition and its money-can't-buy prize click here.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Extreme Mutation!

Al Ewing writes Dredd in this month's Judge Dredd Megazine and has succeeded where Doctor Who failed a couple of seasons ago. This 'extreme mutation' is what the Abzorbaloff should have been.

Jury - cool

Azorbaloff - lame

Case closed.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Ultimate Christmas Quiz at the UCS Beyond Words Festival 2009

Well I survived the What is Myrrh Anyway? Ultimate Christmas Quiz experience at the UCS Beyond Words Festival and sold a few more books, which is always nice. It just remains for me to thank Martin Hitchcock and his able assistants Sophia, Katie, Hal and Ian, for all their help and for making me feel so welcome, and Najma of Icon Books for arranging the session.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

What is Myrrh Anyway? The Ultimate Christmas Quiz

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday 10 November, I shall be appearing at the Beyond Words Festival, at University College School from 2.30-3.45pm. I shall be talking briefly about the how I came to write What is Myrrh Anyway? and will then be hosting a fun - but challenging - Christmas quiz, as well as signing copies of my books. It's not too late to reserve your ticket for this event, just ring the UCS Box Office on 020 7433 2219, or you could try turning up on the day.

Might see you there.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

What is Myrrh Anyway? at Ealing's leading Art and Craft fair

Just a reminder that I will be at St James' Art and Craft Fair tomorrow - Saturday 7 November - between 10.00am and 4.00pm, selling - and of course signing! - copies of What is Myrrh Anyway? Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Christmas.

I also have a limited number of copies of the brand new American edition of the book Christmas Miscellany available, as well as some of my latest Fighting Fantasy adventure gamebook Stormslayer.

Admission is free, so if you're in the area, why not pop along and say "Hello"?

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pax Britannia badges

A rather exciting package arrived in the post. Well at least I thought it was rather exciting because it contained these...

As part of my on-going efforts to self-publicise I've had some Pax Britannia badges made. One bears Simon Parr's new PB logo and the other is the central image from Mark Harrison's cover for Dark Side, which is coming next summer.

The first place where you will be able to get your hands on one (or two) of these beauties is at my talk at the University College School Beyond Words Festival next Tuesday afternoon, so book your ticket now!

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Monday, November 2, 2009


Good news, Fighting Fantasy fans! Bloodbones, one of my older FF adventures is going to be re-printed and re-packaged next year to bring it into line with the new look FF adventures, such as the brand new Stormslayer and forthcoming Night of the Necromancer.

And here's the brand spanking new look cover!

And here's a little more about the adventure (for the benefit of those not already in the know)...

Bloodbones lives! Cinnabar, evil Pirate-Lord and scourge of the twelve seas, is back from the dead and seeking revenge with the dark powers of voodoo at his command. Only YOU can stop the pirate captain and his crew of bloodthirsty cut-throats.

In this fantastic new adventure you are a heroic sailor seeking revenge on one of the most feared pirate-lords of Titan 'Cinnabar', a creature without remorse, a murderer, and a follower of the bloodthirsty voodoo death-god Quezkari, whose mark is the black skull.

Having sworn to have your vengeance against Cinnabar, for the past six years you have sailed the seas of Titan never forgetting a promise you made to yourself a decade ago. Throughout the years you have spent at sea you have learned more and more about Cinnabar and this information eventually leads you to Ruddlestone and the notorious Port of Crabs.

Prepare to set sail on the adventure of a lifetime.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Stormslayer redux

I came across this the other day, thanks to the magic of Google alerts...

I was absolutely blown away when I realised that someone had re-imagined a scene from Stormslayer and done such a fantastic job of rendering it in full colour. The level of detail is amazing, and it is totally faithful to a scene described in the book.

I did a little digging and discovered that the piece was by Emerson Tung (a.k.a. Zeo-X) who has also produced his own versions of the Steam Golem and the Tremor Worm from the book.

There's loads more to see through his online gallery which you can find here. And if you happening to be reading this, Zeo, drop me a line and say "Hi!"

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Welcome to Fish Island
