After offering a walk-on part in my next novel Time's Arrow, fellow Pax Britannia author Al Ewing has upped the anti by offering the chance for two of you to appear in his next El Sombra novel Pax Omega. As Al puts it in his own words:
On the block, taking my cue from Jon Green, I’m getting competitive by offering not one but TWO chances to appear in my next Pax Britannia novel, Pax Omega. Snapping one of these up will guarantee a speaking part – you could be fighting alongside El Sombra or Doc Thunder, or against them, or something even more outlandish, but whatever you end
up doing you’re guaranteed at least one line.
You can view Al's items in the Genre for Japan auction here.
So, in response to Al's challenge I too have offered another exclusive item for auction - a poster promoting Anno Frankenstein and featuring the Vetruvian Steamfrank designed by Pye Parr. And to top it all, Pye and I will sign it for you too.
The highest bidder will receive a special promotional poster for the forthcoming “Pax Britannia” novel, ANNO FRANKENSTEIN, signed by both author Jonathan Green & the artist and designer, Simon Parr.
You can view this item here. In the mean time, here a picture of me all merched up, holding the aforementioned poster. Did I mention that there's only ten of these in existence? This really is another money-can't-buy-prize!

And if you're wondering how you go about bidding for these fantastic Pax Britannia prizes, you can find out more here. Don't forget, bidding goes live 09:00 BST (GMT+1) on Monday 28 March!
Labels: Al Ewing, Anno Frankenstein, Genre for Japan, Pax Britannia, Time's Arrow
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