is a new horror anthology coming this Halloween, but it's a publication with a difference. I'll let compiler
John Prescott) explain...

What you hold in your hands is a culmination of desire, talent, and a collective love of the macabre, mixed with a little luck and a big leap of faith. This is the product of a group of authors who came together to produce something unique - something that speaks of us all and unites us on a worldwide scale. With the book you're holding right now, we invite you to share the journey.
Inside, you will find twenty-six varied tales of monsters old and new, some dredged from the die-hard legends of old and some assembled from the innovative demands of creative necessity. These monstrosities span the lengths of the English alphabet, and with them, we authors bring to you a taste of our own flavors and haunts from around the globe.
At the outset, it seemed an intimidating challenge, this rallying of so many authors from so many locations and walks of life. But times are changing. Creative collaboration no longer knows any geographical bounds. The world is a much smaller place these days, and we twenty-six came together, bound by a common vision, to bridge what gaps remain.
I'm glad we took the plunge, and I'm honored to know twenty-five other authors willing to dive on in with me. Now it's on to you. Take a swim with us. Turn the page and ride the wave.
But beware... monsters lurk in these waters.
John Prescott

It's also quite a departure for me, as my story -
I for Incubus - is about the most explicit, unpleasant and distasteful thing I've ever written, to the extent that I'm wondering if I should start an 18-rated blog to promote it, and any others stories like it that I might write.
But if all this has piqued your interest, then watch this space...
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