A new review of
Pax Britannia: Human Nature found its way into my email inbox the other day, from the
British Fantasy Society. And very happy I was to receive it too...

By Jonathan Green
Published by Abaddon Books, £6.99
Reviewed by Adam J. Shardlow
Human Nature is rip roaring fun from cover to cover. The second in the
Ulysses Quicksilver novels set in the world Magna Britannia, where
Britain rules not only the waves but also the world and the stars
through its empire and technical know how. Our intrepid hero embarks
on a case involving the stealing of the Whitby Mermaid from
Cruickshank's Cabinet of Curiosities. Quickly switching the locals
from the drinking dens and poverty pits of London's East End to the
windswept moors of Yorkshire, this Steampunk novel mixes together
Frankenstein and Sherlock Holmes with a soupçon of Jeeves and Wooster
a dash of mad German scientist, a pinch of monster hound and the fruit
from a beautiful woman to create a heady and yet decadent cocktail.
The fop and bounder that is Ulysses is a resourceful and clever
character, not too invincible that he becomes boring, riding above the
adventure like a dynamic Scarlet Pimpernel whilst his side kick, the
dour and yet resourceful man servant Nimrod, acts as the perfect foil.
The pace of the novel is break neck, the writing witty and world
building well crafted. Included in the novel is an additional
Christmas short story, which adds rather than distracts from the main
Labels: British Fantasy Society, Human Nature, Pax Britannia, Reviews